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Back on my neon signs bullshit again

Making some more wallpapers of neon signs for my desktop, as apparently KDE makes it easy to use video wallpapers after installing the Smart Video Wallpaper Reborn plugin. In Windows I used to use Wallpaper Engine on Steam, but it was more of a resource hog.

Anyway started out being inspired by the outside of Lizzie's Bar from Cyberpunk 2077, making a test wallpaper in Blender of two generic furry girls with weapons (though I meant to make the fox girl hold a bat, and it turned out looking like an oar...)

Went on from there to make one of a Braixen (my fursona's species) and a Charizard (my partner wants to make one) though changed up the style to add detail. Not sure if I prefer using more detail or just the outline -- with the outlined version I also have a frosted glass panel inside the neon lights. Technically I could use that in both, but. Eh I'll work on the style more and see what I wanna do more.

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Adding blog comments from mastodon!

Taking ideas from this blog post: Mastodon Comments - Beej's Bit Bucket

The idea is for each new blog post I can use Mastodon to add comments without having to deal with login or anonymous naming or whatnot. Just have a button to view the comments and one to reply (which just links to a Mastodon post, and pulls comments from its replies)

Still testing the publish script which actually posts the initial comment whenever I make a new post. So if there's no comments visible, I probably broke something and am scrambling to fix it.

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Seal Reaverbot

Oh yeah I forgot to post renders of the finished seal reaverbot

(it's also rigged, but I've not animated anything yet, so once I do I'll post more of it)

December update

I keep neglecting to update this blog, so here's a little of what I've been doing.

Trying to turn the seal robots from Megaman 6 into a Reaverbot from Megaman Legends. Very blocky model, but it actually looks decent enough that I might finish the model (or just make a new one now that I know how I want the design to look).

Also, a Primarina robot (very very WIP because I've not decided what its body should look like)

Radio downtime

I noticed that Furry Pirate Radio was disconnecting briefly every so often and it'd interrupt the stream. So I had to move the radio to another server. Had some brief downtime while doing so but it's back up and should hopefully stop disconnecting repeatedly.

Edit: Oops! Looks like that didn't fix Shit! : )

Later edit: Might be fixed now!